Jesteśmy solidarni z Ukrainą

Training and integration – only in Lviv

In the second half of September (September 18-21, 2008), at the invitation of colleagues from the Ukrainian branch of the company, we set off in a group of 40 people on a coach trip to Lviv. In addition to training, this trip was aimed at integrating employees, thanks to which we were able to meet people with whom we only cooperate on a daily basis by phone or e-mail. During these few days, we had the opportunity to visit the HORTICO branch in Lublin and in Gorodok UA, as well as to admire the beautiful city of Lviv and take part in a short history lesson about it. We left there with regret in our hearts and with the hope that we would be able to come back to that place, because we were repeating the words of the song:

Where else are people as good as here?

Only in Lviv!

Where do they wake you up with songs and lull you to sleep?

Only in Lviv!

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