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Business profile

Activity of HORTICO S.A. is based on the introduction of modern products and technologies in horticulture, which is possible owing to the acquired experience, competent employees and cooperation with domestic and foreign partners.

The company provides service to clients running businesses in two different segments: “profi” – professional clients, which include horticultural farms (floriculture and vegetable growing), horticultural farms and specialized farms engaged in vegetable production and clients of the broadly understood “hobby” segment – garden stores, garden centers, florists, seasonal points of sale of nursery product.

Hortico’s offer includes a wide range of products from most reputable manufacturers of horticultural production agents, in particular seeds and cuttings, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals, gardening substrates, garden foils and nonwovens, biological protection agents and pollination supporting insects, garden tools, etc. For several years the company had also been introducing professional products under its own brand name.

HORTICO S.A. owns gardening wholesalers located in Wrocław, Kalisz, Lublin and Rzeszów, as well as garden centers in Warsaw, Lublin and Ożarów Mazowiecki, DYI stores PSB Mrówka in Psary, Namysłów, Kluczbork and is the owner of Przedsiębiorstwo Nasiennictwa Ogrodniczego i Szkółkarstwa w Ożarów Mazowiecki Sp. z o.o. and Ogrofol Sp. z o.o. based in Włoszakowice.

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