On September 12-13, 2009, in Gołuchów near Kalisz, the 11th National Horticulturalist’s Days took place, attended by over 220 leading companies in the horticulture industry, presenting the latest technologies and means of production. HORTICO could not miss out. This year, our stand in the form of a mobile service was located in a motorhome. As can be seen from the number of people visiting us, the idea turned out to be successful and was received with great enthusiasm.

We supply specialized horticultural farms with fertilizers, seeds, plant protection products, and all the necessary goods for the cultivation and care of crops. The products come from the industry’s world leaders and are meeting the highest quality standards.
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We provide comprehensive supplies for various horticultural points, from garden centers to florists. The offer includes a selection of goods that fully meet the requirements of our clients i.e. professional gardeners, allotment gardeners, and gardening enthusiasts.
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In Hortico’s online shop e-HORTICO.pl as well as Company’s garden centers, the retailers can enjoy a wide selection of plants and horticultural products for both amateurs and gardening enthusiasts.
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