Jesteśmy solidarni z Ukrainą

Gołuchów 2005

On February 23rd, 2005, yet another training, but the first in the new year, of a series of trainings organized by Hortico Sp. z o.o. for greenhouse vegetable producers from the Kalisz region, took place. The meeting place was the carriage hall of the Czartoryski Castle in Gołuchów, surrounded by beautiful winter scenery.

Invited guests had the opportunity to listen to lectures prepared by representatives of Hortico Sp. z o.o. and dr Maria Owczarek.

Mr. Paweł Strauchmann from Rijk Zwaan presented the current trends in vegetable trade in Europe. He paid particular attention to the German market, which will be extremely important for Polish producers in the future. The part of the lectures on how to pack tomatoes for commercial purposes and to create your own brands aroused great interest.

Dr. Krzysztof Fatel, representative of Yara Poland, discussed the company’s current fertilizer offer with particular emphasis on new products. He presented a summary of the costs of preparing a nutrient solution for tomatoes on Yara single and multi-component fertilizers.

Tomasz Krasowski from Syngenta Seeds presented the current recommendations for the cultivation of Emotion and Macarena tomato varieties. He paid particular attention to the need to reduce the number of tomato grapes. He also discussed the problems related to the distribution of sunlight in greenhouse facilities.

Paweł Aumiller from the Biopartner company advised on the proper and rational use of biological protection in the fight against tomato pests. The participants were particularly interested in new ways of introducing macrolophus into tomato crops.

At the end of the meeting, Dr. Maria Owczarek discussed the issues raised by tomato producers. They mainly concerned:

Maintaining the correct balance between vegetative and generative growth. Creating appropriate conditions – fertilization, climate control, irrigation.

Fertilization of medium-fruit varieties.

Factors influencing growth and root structure.

Regulating clusters, removing excess flowers in clusters, cutting leaves.

Derivation of additional fruiting shoots.

We are planning the next training for May.

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