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Training for tomato producers

On November 18th, 2010 employees of the Horticulture Department of HORTICO SA organized a meeting to which the owners of the most modern greenhouse farms from the vicinity of Lublin, who grow vegetables, mainly tomatoes, on mineral wool, were invited. The meeting took place in Zemborzyce Dolne, with the participation of Syngenta Seeds, Yara, Stockmeier, and Adob.

The training meeting in the form of a conference aroused great interest. It was an opportunity to obtain answers to current topics related to the disinfection of greenhouses, the selection of varieties for the next season, and details related to modern fertilization of tomatoes – which Adam Kupczyk from Yara Poland spoke with enthusiasm. The lecture by Wojciech Juńczyk from Syngenta Seeds was particularly popular, as he talked in a very interesting way about the nuances of the cultivation of individual tomato varieties.

After the working part, during the dinner, the participants of the meeting had the opportunity for integration and individual consultations.

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