HORTICO S.A. deals with the distribution of high-quality seedlings and cuttings as well as seeds of bedding and balcony plant varieties, perennials, biennial plants and chrysanthemums from market-leading growers. We also offer vegetable seeds for professional crops.
Bedding plants
- Plantpol Zaborze – we are an authorized distributor of Plantpol Zaborze, a producer of a wide range of high-standard seedlings and a promoter of new products on the Polish market of ornamental plants. The seedlings ordered from us are delivered at HORTICO at the flower fair in Wrocław according to the Plantpol price list.
- Syngenta FloriPro Service – FloriPro Services ™ offers a wide range of market-leading varieties. We sell a full, current offer of seeds and seedlings, well-known for their reliability in the cultivation of bedding plants, balcony plants and perennials.
- Florensis Polska – we also cooperate with the company Florensis, which under its brand brings together a group of partners producing seeds, seedlings and seedlings of ornamental plants.
Biennial plants
- Syngenta FloriPro Service – we sell the current offer of seeds and seedlings of pansies and primula of the company FloriPro Services ™.
- Florensis Polska – the offer of the Florensis company also includes a wide selection of large-flowered and miniature pansies, primula and glaucoma varieties. Plants are available in the form of cuttings and seeds.
- Specialist Horticulture Złocień – we offer a full range of Złocień chrysanthemum cuttings. Chrysanthemum seedlings ordered are delivered at HORTICO distribution points (Wrocław, Lublin, Rzeszów and Ożarów Mazowiecki) at the same price as in the Złocień price list.
Vegetable seeds for producers
Our offer includes seeds from producers:
Ornamental plant, vegetable and herb seeds for professionals from Graines Voltz
The seeds of the renowned French company Graines Voltz have returned to our offer. The traditions of Graines Voltz date back to 1985, the company offers professional seeds of flowers, vegetables and herbs. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer.
Graines Voltz seed catalog 2020-2022: https://www.graines-voltz.com/upload/flipbook/semences-fleurs-gb-2020-2022/index.html