We are pleased to announce that from the 2021 season HORTICO begins cooperation with Specjalistyczne Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Złocień. As a representative of the Złocień company, we give you the opportunity to place orders and pick up seedlings at HORTICO branches in Wrocław, Lublin, Rzeszów and Ożarów Mazowiecki.
From the season of 2021, the offer of the Złocień company also includes the assortment of the French company Bernard, which is a leader in breeding large-flowered potted chrysanthemum varieties, including the most popular varieties in Poland, Komodo Blanc and Komodo Creme. The distinctive varieties of this company also include Nikita Blanc, Antares Blanc, Caracas Jaune.
The offer also includes varieties from such breeders as Gediflora, Royal Van Zanten, SAS Sauvé-Guittet, Syngenta, Armada, Floritec. The company Złocień is a family company that has been specializing in the production of chrysanthemum cuttings for 40 years and cares about the quality of the product.

Feel free to contact us and place orders in the following branches, where you will also be able to pick up your seedlings:
ul. Giełdowa 12H
52-437 Wrocław
tel. 609 052 699
e-mail: chryzantemy_wroclaw@hortico.pl
ul. Zemborzycka 110
20-445 Lublin
tel. 695 435 559
e-mail: chryzantemy_lublin@hortico.pl
ul. Rejtana 8
35-310 Rzeszów
tel. 662 163 747
e-mail: chryzantemy_rzeszow@hortico.pl
HORTICO Ożarów Mazowiecki
ul. Ożarowska 81
05-850 Duchnice
tel. 691 897 989
e-mail: chryzantemy_OzarowMazowiecki@hortico.pl