HORTICO SA is an entity that realizes sales revenues primarily with goods from the home and garden and horticultural production categories. HORTICO SA is the parent of the Group and, depending on investment opportunities or estimated risks of the entities, does not rule out further expansion of the Group. HORTICO SA operates in the following markets: hobby (the target customer of the goods is the amateur gardener or consumer) and profi (the target customer of the Group’s goods or products is the manufacturer). The Group aims to increase the share of the hobby line in total sales revenue. The HORTICO SA Capital Group operates in both wholesale and retail trade and production. Although the HORTICO Capital Group does not limit its activity exclusively to this area, it locates its primary activity in the area related to horticultural activities. HORTICO SA strives to increase sales revenues above average while maintaining profitability. The Group strives to respect ESG criteria in its operations, but nevertheless, due to the size of the Group, it does not have a developed ESG strategy.

We supply specialized horticultural farms with fertilizers, seeds, plant protection products, and all the necessary goods for the cultivation and care of crops. The products come from the industry’s world leaders and are meeting the highest quality standards.
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We provide comprehensive supplies for various horticultural points, from garden centers to florists. The offer includes a selection of goods that fully meet the requirements of our clients i.e. professional gardeners, allotment gardeners, and gardening enthusiasts.
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In Hortico’s online shop e-HORTICO.pl as well as Company’s garden centers, the retailers can enjoy a wide selection of plants and horticultural products for both amateurs and gardening enthusiasts.
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