Jesteśmy solidarni z Ukrainą


Dividend for the year General Meeting resolution Dividend day Dividend payment date Dividend per share (PLN) Total dividend amount (PLN) % of unit net profit allocated to dividend
dividend from reserve capital created from retained earnings in previous years Resolution number 3 of 02.04.2024 r. 08.04.2024 12.04.2024 0,20 2 583 479,80
2022 Resolution number 8 of 30.06.2023 11.07.2023 20.07.2023 0,35 4 387 329,45 37,90
2021 Resolution number 8 of 30.06.2022 11.07.2022 20.07.2022 0,35 4 246 270,00 57,42
2020 Resolution number 8 of 30.06.2021 09.07.2021 30.07.2021 0,07 822 016,30 15,55
2019 Resolution number 8 of 30.06.2020 09.07.2020 30.07.2020 0,05 587 154,50 41,79
2018 Resolution number 8 of 28.06.2019 27.09.2019 18.10.2019 0,05 587 154,50 49,46
2017 Resolution number 8 of 28.06.2018 12.07.2018 27.07.2018 0,05 587 154,50 29,94
2016 Resolution number 8 of 30.06.2017 12.07.2017 28.07.2017 0,07 822 016,30 95,46
2015 Resolution number 8 of 28.06.2016 12.07.2016 29.07.2016 0,05 587 154,50 97,29
2014 Resolution number 8 of 25.06.2015 07.07.2015 22.07.2015 0,15 1 677 613,50 30,64
2013 Resolution number 6 of 30.06.2014 11.07.2014 28.07.2014 0,07 782 886,30 46,36
TOTAL 17 670 229,65

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