Interesting and effective training and a moment of respite in beautiful landscapes – we combine these during the autumn training trips by HORTICO SA. Good traditions are worth continuing, which is why such a meeting took place for the eighth year in a row.
This year’s training took place on November 14-21, 2013 in the Tunisian town of Hammamet. It was attended by 40 people, most of whom are owners of shops and garden centers, key customers cooperating with HORTICO’s wholesalers in Wrocław and Lublin. On behalf of the company, they were accompanied by four guardians.
The main topic of the training was developing competences as the foundation of effectiveness. The participants of the meeting learned about the importance of knowledge, skills and attitudes as tools enabling the formation of habits necessary to achieve success. The uniqueness of the trainings conducted by Mrs. Julita Popiołek is based on the assumption that man is part of nature and works best if he does it in accordance with its rhythm. This basic tenet of the Far East philosophy helps to take advantage of the natural predispositions of our body and mind.
The issues discussed during the training were of great interest to the participants, mainly due to their practical dimension. We are convinced that the knowledge gained at the conference will prove invaluable in planning the organization of work both at HORTICO SA and among our clients, which will further increase the competitiveness on the market.
Following the training tips, after an intensive study, the participants also found time to rest to “recharge their batteries”. Most of the trip was sunny, so they spent every free moment with the sound of the sea waves. They also took part in excursions around Tunisia (including to nearby Nabeul, Tunis and Carthage and the desert), during which they learned about the history and traditions of this African country. The Riu Marilia Hotel provided our guests with excellent conditions and delicious cuisine. They tried not only local, but also European dishes, and the overall summary of the service’s efforts should be that on the last day of the training participants were served … stuffed cabbage(gołąbki) and pork knuckle(golonka)!
Weekly foreign conferences in interesting places are held in the fall, most often in October or November. Many of our key clients, due to many years of very close cooperation, participate in such meetings every year. – After so many trips, we know each other very well. Today, training participants are not only our business partners – they are our friends – sums up Patryk Rubacha, warehouse manager at the Wrocław branch of HORTICO SA.