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Greenhouse meeting Lublin, December 7, 2012

On December 7, 2012, at the Korona hotel in Zemborzyce Tereszyńskie near Lublin, for the second time a product training was held for the best greenhouse producers of vegetables under covers from the Lublin region.

Apart from HORTICO SA, at the meeting, the guests could listen to lectures by representatives of companies, co-organizers of the training, leaders in the professional gardening industry, such as Grodan, Syngenta and Yara.

After listening to all the lectures, our guests went to a gala dinner during which they willingly exchanged their experiences with their colleagues, and then they started having fun with great music until late at night. During the game, our guests had the opportunity to feel as if they were at the best casino. Croupiers, chips, tasting great wines took us to the world of gambling like to real Vegas.

We hope that such meetings will become a cyclical event crowning the gardening season in the Lublin region.

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