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Ekoplon fertilizers

Ekoplon fertilizers

Ekolist ®

Ekoplon - Ekolist standard

A group of fertilizers intended for foliar supplementation of nutrients in field crops. Foliar feeding of crops with fertilizers containing macronutrients is aimed at providing plants with basic nutrients in periods of their greatest demand (intensive growth), regardless of the conditions affecting their uptake from the soil. Deficiencies of macro- and microelements may occur in this period even on rich soils, in periods of low temperatures, no precipitation and in the case of non-exchangeable nutrient binding by soil colloids (too low or high pH). High efficiency of foliar fertilization contributes to an increase in yields, improving its quality and strengthening plant resistance to diseases. An additional advantage of foliar fertilizers is the possibility of combining them with some plant protection products, which significantly reduces costs.

Calcium nitrate 17% CaO

Ekoplon - saletra wapniowa

Liquid calcium nitrate fertilizer concentrate
High-quality nitrogen and calcium fertilizer for soil and foliar fertilization of horticultural and agricultural crops. Particularly recommended: in the prevention of physiological diseases caused by calcium deficiency, in acidic soils, and in orchards and berry farms.

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